Defining an Administrative Investigation Program for FECA Claims
In managing claims under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA), precision and evidence are critical. An Administrative Investigation...
Keeping Calm: Assessing Stress Claims
Admittedly, stress claims are some of the more complex claims to assess for legitimacy since they are, by definition, subjective. However, just...
His Claim Went Up In Smoke: The Case of the Fraudulent Pitmaster
The case of a former Powered Support Systems Mechanic fraudulently claiming disability benefits was brought to a conclusive end thanks...
Investigating FECA Claims for Subrogation?
The Benefits of Contract Claims Investigation Services for FECA Subrogation: A Brief Guide for Claims Examiners When a federal employee is injured...
Dubious Injury Claims: Insights and Considerations
Agency Strategy: Denial at the Earliest Element Agencies strategically aim to challenge dubious claims early in the process. Why? To prevent...
Delivering the Story: A Fraudulent Workers’ Compensation Claim
As the result of a routine administrative investigation, a former federal employee faced legal consequences for making false claims related to...
A Deceptive Practice: Nursing a Fraudulent Claim
The legal system recently bore witness to the sentencing of a Norwood woman, marking a significant milestone in the fight against the theft of...
10 Red Flag Criteria for FECA Claim Evaluation
Incongruities and unusual circumstances can happen with any claim, but red flags warn that further examination is needed to ensure the legitimacy of...