Internal theft, drug abuse, workplace violence, sexual harassment, discrimination, fraudulent Workers’ Compensation claims, and other issues impact not only the company’s bottom line, but morale, productivity, and ultimately your company’s reputation. Fortunately, workplace investigations are legal and discreet. Frasco, Inc. has been assisting employers for over five decades with their workplace investigations.
Here to help when you need us.
Harassment & Discrimination
Using an independent third party to investigate these types of claims eliminates the issue of perceived bias. Our experienced investigators know the issues and the laws, they can obtain the facts without the emotional involvement. Our methods may include: Witness & Involved Parties Interviews, Background Investigations, Scene Investigations, and Covert Surveillance.
There is no stronger evidence than good surveillance video. With state-of-the-art equipment and video delivery systems, we are ready to assist you with your toughest workplace situations. Our methods may include: Covert or Overt Surveillance Cameras and Rolling Surveillance on Outside Employees Such as Sales, Delivery, Inspectors, etc.
Difficult Terminations
When you are concerned about the potential for violence or retaliation, Frasco Investigative Services can help. We offer around-the-clock surveillance after the termination for as long as necessary to monitor the individual’s activities. We can alert you if the employee returns to the facility or behaves in any other threatening or disturbing manner.
Physical Security Analysis
How secure is your facility? A complete Safety & Security Analysis will give you a better understanding of your potential for physical property security breaches as well as your potential for workplace accidents and the subsequent liability you would face.