The Smarter Choice

Is your investigation program controlled by your Claims Administrator? Large employers that take control are seeing a greater return on their investigation spend.

How Does Your Current Program Measure Up?

Wondering about how your industry counterparts manage their claim investigations program? In 2022, Frasco conducted a nationwide, comprehensive benchmark study on how claim investigations are being handled by large employers. Gain valuable insights on how many risk management professionals control their investigations program and how to evaluate the ROI on investigation spend.

Complete this form to access the final report.

Frasco is the partner you’re looking for.

Since 1964, we have been and continue to be the go-to investigative firm for countless large employers. We credit our success to working WITH you in developing a results-oriented program appropriate for your company. We understand that one-size-fits-all does not work! When partnering with us, you can look forward to:

Customized Services

Program Management

SOC 2 Type II Compliance

Keeping Mods Low

Expert Consulting

When analyzing your investigation program, go back to the drawing board and figure out what’s right for you and your organization.

If your current investigation program lacks actionable results, fosters a check-the-box mentality, offers no spend transparency, and the work product is inconsistent, it’s time for a change.

You Need an Alternative.

Many large companies choose to own their investigation program and use Frasco to manage it. This ownership brings control that drives actionable results, often improving claims outcomes.

Organizations opt for the self-insurance route to save money, customize their insurance program, and have unrestricted access to claims data, enabling better forecasting and controlled expenses. Apply the same strategy to your claims investigations.


Frequently Asked Questions

What type of insurance claims can Frasco investigate for us?

We investigate any type of insurance claim, to include but not limited to, Workers’ Compensation, Liability, and Disability claims.

What type of investigations can Frasco perform for us?

Frasco is a full-service investigation provider – including surveillance or remote (ROC) surveillance, medical canvasses, recorded statements, alive and well checks, work checks, AOE / COE investigations, subrogation investigations, social media investigations, geo-media investigations, record retrievals, background investigations, asset searches, neighborhood canvasses, scene investigations, locate investigations, vehicle locators, heir searches, vendor management, SIU program management, and more.

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