School districts across the country face a big challenge every year; residency fraud, also commonly referred to as ‘enrollment fraud’. To someone not aware of the issues it creates, it might seem like a moot point. ‘Why is lying about where you live to get into a school such a big deal?’ Great question. Let’s take a quick look into the world of residency fraud, its impact, and how our investigative experts can help school districts combat this issue.


What Is Residency Fraud?

Residency fraud involves using addresses to enroll students in school districts where they do not genuinely reside. While some families may innocently misunderstand residency requirements, others deliberately manipulate the system.


The Consequences of Residency Fraud

1. Financial Drain: When students attend schools outside their designated districts, taxpayer dollars and district funds are misdirected. In most districts, that amount equates to upwards of ten thousand dollars per student.
2. Overcrowding: Fraudulent enrollments not only strain school resources, but they can also lead to overcrowded classrooms, many of which are already at capacity.
3. Increased Student-Teacher Ratio: A student-teacher ratio directly impacts the quality of education a student receives, and districts pride themselves on it. Fewer students per teacher means that the teacher has more time to spend with each student, impacting academic achievement and increasing that student’s chance of success.
4. Legal Implications: The reality is residency fraud constitutes fraud, and perpetrators can face legal consequences whether they realize it or not. Our experts work closely with legal authorities to build strong cases when necessary.


How We Uncover False Addresses

1. Surveillance: Our licensed private investigators conduct discreet surveillance to observe student movements and get the truth on where they reside.
2. Data Analysis: Our team runs several comprehensive data and location searches. We work with each district closely and uncover the facts. We can interview the family, neighbors, school staff, and community members to gather insights.
3. Deeper Dive: With 60 a year history, we know sometimes there is more to the story than meets the eye. Providing data is one thing, but knowing how to spot red flags and when to dig deeper is something that comes with decades of experience.


If your school district suspects residency fraud, don’t wait. Contact our investigative experts today. Let’s protect educational resources, uphold fairness, and ensure every student receives the opportunities they deserve.


Contact Us Today

Frasco® District Residency Investigations delivers ethical and efficient solutions tailored to your needs. If you have any questions or need further insights, our experts are ready to help.  Schedule a call today to explore the best investigative strategies for your district.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. Please consult your general counsel for specific legal guidance. Frasco investigators are licensed, and our operations comply with US industry, federal, state, and local laws.