Investigation Guide by Desired Outcome

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Monitor and document the subject’s activities and movements.

We Recommend:

Direct Surveillance

  • Surveillance: Detailed observations and video recordings of the subject’s public activities.
  • Activities Check: Establishes physical activities, employment status, and potential for successful surveillance.

Remote Surveillance

  • Remote Observational Camera (ROC) Surveillance: Use of remote cameras to monitor subjects without raising suspicion.

Gather detailed information and statements from subjects, witnesses, and other relevant parties.

We Recommend:

General Interviews

  • Interviews: On-site or online recorded interviews to document details related to a claim.
  • Post-Investigation Interview: Focused on claimant’s current condition and physical activities, utilizing prior investigation results.

Provider Interviews

  • Clinic Inspection: Verify medical facilities, provider credentials, and equipment.
  • Medical Provider Video Review (MPVR): Review surveillance footage with medical providers to determine if the evidence changes medical opinion.

Location Specific Investigations

  • Scene Investigation: Inspecting the location of a loss and taking photographs, video, measurements.
  • Area Canvass: Canvassing businesses, residences to identify witnesses and any video of an incident.

Health and Well-Being Checks

  • Alive & Well Check: Document health, medical treatment, employment, and home environment.


  • Subrogation Investigation: Field investigations and interviews to determine third-party involvement in claims.

      Conduct thorough background checks, locate individuals, and retrieve records.

      We Recommend:

      Background Checks

      • Background – Foundational: Basic background checks including civil and criminal records, addresses, and assets.
      • Background – Custom: Customized background checks for specific needs.
      • Background – Business: Research for business-related decisions and disputes.

      Social Media and Online Investigations

      • SCORE Investigations (Basic, Advanced, Platinum): Varying levels of background investigations with social media searches.
      • Social-Med Check: Combined social media investigation and medical/pharmacy canvass.
      • Social Media Investigation: Data mining across social media channels.
      • Social Media Monitoring: Monthly tracking of social media profiles and postings.
      • Social Media – Geo: Geo-fencing to filter posts by geographic area and time frame.

      Medical and Pharmacy Canvass

      • Medical Canvass: Determine if the claimant has received treatment at medical facilities.
      • Medical Canvass – Pharmacy: Obtain prescription dates and pharmacy details.

      Asset and Employment Verification

      • Work Check: Establish employment history and related records.
      • Asset Search: Search for real estate, personal property, and business ownership.

      Location and Record Retrieval

      • Locate: Verify the subject’s most recent address, including field work if necessary.
      • Record Retrieval: Secure medical records, court documents, and other agency records.

      Process Service

      • Process Service: Notify parties of legal actions.

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